Social Studies: Utah Government
Standard 3: Students will understand the roles of civic life, politics, and government in the lives of Utah citizens.
Objective 1: Describe the responsibilities and rights of individuals in a representative government as well as in the school and community.
- Identify rights of a citizen (e.g. voting, peaceful assembly, freedom of religion).
- Identify responsibilities of a citizen (e.g. jury duty, obeying the law, paying taxes).
- Determine how and why the rights and responsibilities of various groups have varied over time (e.g. Chinese railroad workers, Greek miners, women, children, Mormons, Japanese-Americans at Topaz, American Indians, and African-Americans).
- Explain how the influence and power of individuals is affected when they organize into groups.
- Describe and model ways that citizens can participate in civic responsibilities (e.g. current issue analysis, recycling, volunteering with civic organizations, letter writing).
- Contribute to and practice classroom goals, rules and responsibilities.
- Recognize and demonstrate respect for United States and Utah symbols (i.e. Pledge of Allegiance, flag etiquette).
Objective 2: Analyze the different ways people have organized governments in Utah to meet
community needs.
- Identify the forms of government found in Utah in different eras (i.e. historic and current American Indian government, State of Deseret, Utah Territory, statehood era, present).
- Compare how these governments addressed community needs.
- Compare the roles and responsibilities of state, county, and local officials.
Utah History Textbook
Chapter 11: Government of All of Us
- Lesson 1: Our Rights
- Lesson 2: Our Responsibilities
- Lesson 3: Government in Utah Over Time
Assignment 1: